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What Is Mesh Wifi And Do I Need It

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  • Post last modified:15 March 2024

I’m getting asked this often, “What is Mesh wifi and do i need it” I personally have around 60 -70 different pieces of kit that connect to the internet in some way or form and that used to create a major slow down when we were all home home simultaneously streaming, gaming, shopping and downloading, i needed a solution and fast as lagging and ‘this wifi sucks’ complaints were becoming regular!

Check my post on simple wifi hacks here

We all love our Wi-Fi, but sometimes it gets a little finicky. Have you noticed that there are spots in your home where the Wi-Fi signal is weak or even disappears? It’s like your devices are playing hide-and-seek with the internet! That’s where mesh Wi-Fi comes to the rescue. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about how mesh Wi-Fi is like a superhero for your internet, making sure it’s strong and steady everywhere in your home.

What’s the Problem with Regular Wi-Fi?

Okay, so imagine your Wi-Fi router is like a lighthouse. It sends out signals, just like the light from a lighthouse, to help your devices connect to the internet. But sometimes, those signals can’t reach every corner of your home. They might get blocked by walls, furniture, or even magic invisible barriers (just kidding about the magic part!). That’s why you might notice that in some rooms, your Wi-Fi is fast and awesome, while in others, it’s slow or nonexistent. These sad places without good Wi-Fi are called “dead zones.” We are all increasing the amount of devices connected especially if you have a lot of smart tech ( read my post on smart tech here) So a new system could change your house into a wifi speedway!

Here Comes Mesh Wi-Fi to Save the Day!

Now, imagine you have a bunch of Wi-Fi helpers all around your home. These helpers are called “nodes,” and they’re like little sidekicks for your main router. They work together as a team to make sure every nook and cranny of your home gets the best Wi-Fi signal possible. No more dead zones! These nodes talk to each other and decide the best way to send your cat videos, homework assignments, and online games from one corner of your home to another.

Benefits of Mesh Wi-Fi

No More Dead Zones:

With mesh Wi-Fi, every part of your home gets a strong and reliable Wi-Fi signal. You can use your devices wherever you want, even in the basement or way up in the attic.

Easy Setup

Setting up a mesh Wi-Fi system is like playing with building blocks. You put the nodes in different spots, and they start talking to each other automatically. No need to be a computer genius!

Smooth Roaming

: If you’re watching a video on your tablet and you move from the living room to your bedroom, mesh Wi-Fi makes sure your video keeps playing without any annoying interruptions. It’s like a magic carpet for your internet!

Better Speeds:

When lots of devices are using the internet at the same time, things can get a bit slow. But with mesh Wi-Fi, the load is shared between the nodes, so everyone gets a piece of the internet pie without slowing things down.


While mesh Wi-Fi systems offer numerous benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. Here are some of the potential disadvantages of mesh Wi-Fi:

  1. Cost: Mesh Wi-Fi systems tend to be more expensive upfront compared to traditional routers or Wi-Fi extenders. You’re paying for the convenience and advanced features they offer, which might not be necessary for smaller spaces or basic internet needs. For a cheaper fix read my post on simply swopping out your free standard router for a new dedicated model here or check netgears none mesh routers here
  2. Complexity for Small Spaces: If you have a small apartment or a single-story home, a mesh Wi-Fi system might be overkill. Setting up and managing a mesh system an be more complex than a standalone router, and you might not experience a significant improvement in coverage.
  3. Compatibility: Some mesh systems might not be compatible with certain devices or older hardware. Ensure that your devices support the Wi-Fi standards and features offered by the mesh system you’re considering.

Do I Need It?

If you have a large amount of data hungry devices that you are reliant on, then I’d say Yes, however only you know if you can justify the cost, as you’re looking at £300-£1600!! you could say if you house is big that its a small price to pay.Mesh Wi-Fi is like having your own team of Wi-Fi superheroes making sure you’re always connected. No more dead zones, no more frustration – just smooth and reliable internet all over your home. Whether you’re playing games, streaming movies, or just browsing cute animal pictures, mesh Wi-Fi has got your back. So, say goodbye to weak signals and hello to the wonderful world of mesh Wi-Fi! Your devices will thank you.

Where Can I get Mesh Wifi

My go to company for super reliable routers has always been netgear their mesh system has won many awards and you’ll be safe in knowing you’re getting a premium product from a company thats been around as long as we’ve needed routers. Netgear ask you a few questions about your home setup to recommend the best system for you.

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