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7 Hidden Features Of An Iphone Camera

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  • Post last modified:6 September 2023

We all love taking pictures with our phones but if you’re asked what are the 7 Hidden Features Of An Iphone Camera, can you name them ? Keep reading and you’ll be upto speed.

7 Hidden Features Of An Iphone Camera Coming Up!


In an era dominated by smartphones, the iPhone stands out as a revolutionary device. Its sleek design, powerful performance, and impressive camera capabilities have made it a favourite among photography enthusiasts and casual users alike. While most people are aware of the iPhone’s basic camera functions, there are hidden features that can take your mobile photography to the next level. In this blog post, we’ll delve into seven hidden gems of the iPhone camera, helping you unlock the full potential of this remarkable tool.

1. Exposure Control

One of the most underrated features in the iPhone camera is exposure control. By default, the iPhone automatically adjusts the exposure for your photos. However, you can take control of this by tapping the screen and then sliding your finger up or down to adjust the exposure manually. This feature is particularly useful when you want to fine-tune the brightness or darken a photo to add a dramatic touch. With exposure control, you become the master of your iPhone camera’s lighting, allowing you to capture the perfect shot in any situation.

2. Volume Button Shutter

Have you ever struggled to capture a photo at the perfect moment because your touchscreen shutter button was too small or unresponsive? Well, your iPhone has a solution: the volume buttons can serve as physical shutter buttons! This hidden feature allows you to snap photos more comfortably, especially when you’re shooting in landscape mode or using a tripod. It provides a more tactile and stable way to capture photos, reducing the risk of shaky shots and enhancing your overall photography experience.

3. Grid Lines

Grid lines are another feature that’s often overlooked but can significantly improve your composition skills. You can enable grid lines in the iPhone camera settings (Settings > Camera > Grid). Once activated, your screen will display a 3×3 grid overlay. This grid follows the rule of thirds, a fundamental principle in photography and art. The intersection points where the lines cross are ideal positions to place your subject for a balanced and visually appealing composition. Grid lines serve as a subtle guide for better framing and composition.

4. Lock Auto-Focus and Exposure

Ever been frustrated when your camera suddenly changes the focus and exposure settings while framing a shot? This hidden feature can help you maintain control over your desired settings. Simply tap and hold on the screen where you want to focus and expose the image. When you do this, a yellow box labeled “AE/AF Lock” appears. This indicates that both auto-focus and exposure settings are now locked on the selected point, allowing you to recompose your shot without losing those crucial settings.

5. Burst Mode

Burst Mode is a hidden gem that comes to the rescue when you’re trying to capture fast-moving subjects or fleeting moments. To activate Burst Mode, press and hold the shutter button. Your iPhone will fire off a rapid sequence of shots in quick succession. This feature ensures you capture the perfect moment, even in dynamic or unpredictable situations. Afterward, you can review the burst and select the best shot from the series.

6. Timer and Time-Lapse

The timer function may seem basic, but it can be a game-changer in various situations. It’s perfect for group photos or selfies when you want everyone in the frame without needing a selfie stick. On the other hand, Time-Lapse mode allows you to create captivating videos by capturing a series of photos at preset intervals. These photos are later compiled into a time-lapse video, which adds a unique dimension to your photography. Whether you’re documenting a sunset, bustling city streets, or the blooming of a flower, Time-Lapse mode can transform ordinary scenes into visually stunning sequences.

7. Hidden Levels

Perfectly aligning your photos can be challenging, especially when capturing landscapes, architecture, or anything that requires precise horizontal or vertical lines. Fortunately, the iPhone has a built-in level hidden within the Measure app. To access it, swipe left within the Measure app to reveal the level. This tool helps you ensure both vertical and horizontal alignment in your photos, resulting in more professional and visually pleasing compositions.


This isn’t meant to promote you to taking pictures for vogue but you might just learn a cheeky tip that you did’t know before!!Your iPhone is more than just a communication device; it’s a versatile tool for capturing memories, moments, and creative visions. These hidden features are like the secret ingredients in a recipe—they elevate your mobile photography to new heights. Whether you’re a casual photographer or a passionate shutterbug, exploring these features will enable you to take better photos, unleash your creativity, and make the most of your iPhone’s remarkable camera capabilities. So, the next time you pick up your iPhone to capture a moment, remember to explore these hidden gems within your camera app and let your creativity shine through your photography.