Top 5 Must Have Gadgets For Home Cleaning in 2024

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  • Post last modified:13 January 2024
Top 5 Must Have Gadgets For Home Cleaning in 2024

Some people love cleaning, and some people post pictures of the cleaning products they’ve just bought and get hundreds of likes on those pictures, I hate cleaning!! I mean really hate it and I’m not very good at it …apparently!!! I need a top 5 must have gadgets for home cleaning list and I need it now!!!

Now I know some things are unavoidable like hoovering the stairs or wiping up my lunch that I spilt in the kitchen, but what if I could automate some of the tasks I fail miserably at? I mean this is a gadget blog and there is a gadget for everything right?

Read on and prepare to hook yourself up with some tricky gadgets that can free up your time for more interesting things rather than mopping your kitchen

I’m in, give me the top 5 must have gadgets for home cleaning so i don’t have to!!

1. The AI Vacuum Architect: Your Floor’s New Floor Plan iRobot Rumba s9+

Forget clunky, outdated models. Today’s robotic vacuums are AI-powered cartographers, meticulously mapping your home with laser precision. Gone are the days of random bumps and missed corners. Meet the iRobot Roomba s9+: an intelligent titan that navigates like a seasoned explorer, tackling crumbs, pet hair, and even large debris with ease. No tangled wires, no frustration, just the quiet satisfaction of spotless floors.

Now this is a series piece of kit and top-end tech doesn’t come cheap remember, But the IRobot s9+ is literally the top end of the robot hoover market. Forgot about spending 45 minutes hoover your entire flat when you come home from work then have to go out in the pissing rain to empty a week of dust into the bin, this baby will do this for you whilst you’re at work, empty the shite out and then take itself back to its handy charging station ready for its next task!

For a more detailed post on robot hoovers, check my post here

Key Features:

  • LiDAR technology for laser-guided mapping and navigation
  • Powerful suction for carpets, hard floors, and even pet hair avalanches
  • Self-emptying capabilities for weeks of worry-free cleaning
  • Smartphone app control for scheduling, monitoring, and even customizing cleaning zones

2. The Mopping Maestro: From Sticky Spills to Gleaming Gratitude

robot mop, top 5 must have gadgets for home cleaning

Spills and muddy paw prints tremble before the might of the robotic mop. These technological magicians glide across hardwood, tile, and even laminate, leaving behind nothing but sparkling smiles. The Ecovacs Deebot X1 Mop 2 Pro is a multi-talented maestro, boasting vibrating mops for stubborn grime and smart carpet detection to avoid dampening your rugs. It’s like having a miniaturized floor-polishing genie at your beck and call.

Similar to the iRobot for mopping tasks which let’s face it most of us hate, this little beauty will even fill up its own tank in case you forget, it will also sense where your carpet is so you don’t come home to soggy carpets!!! Ti will mop for 300 minutes and cover 4300 square metres of dirty floor.

Key Features:

  • Multiple cleaning modes for different floor types and messes
  • Vibrating mops for extra cleaning power against tenacious dirt
  • Automatic water tank refill reminders to keep the magic flowing
  • Carpet detection technology to protect your precious rugs


3. The Window Wizard: Banish Streaks, Embrace the Sunshine

Window cleaning once meant precarious acrobatics and perilous squeegee battles. No more! Robotic window wizards like the Hobot Legee-7s cling to your windows with the tenacity of a gecko, meticulously scrubbing both sides with microfiber pads. Watch in awe as it navigates obstacles, even cleaning window frames, leaving you with nothing but a panoramic view and a sense of smug satisfaction.

This is mission-impossible stuff, you literally stick it to your windows and it will climb up the glass cleaning and drying as it goes, you do have to buy extra suction pads but if you’ve got tall windows and you’re not much good up a ladtter then this sorts out your problems my friend

Key Features:

  • Powerful suction for secure window adherence, even on high-rises
  • Multi-surface compatibility for windows, mirrors, and even shower doors
  • Automatic edge detection for obstacle-free cleaning, no ladders required
  • Fall protection mechanisms for added peace of mind, even for vertigo-prone homeowners

4. The Smart BIn: Sorting Simplified, Hygiene Amplified

Ditch the overflowing bin and step into the future of waste management with the Simplehuman Sensor Can. This intelligent receptacle opens automatically with a wave of your hand, keeping germs at bay and your kitchen smelling fresh. But it’s not just about convenience. Multiple compartments allow for easy sorting, helping you become a recycling champion. Imagine the bragging rights!

This as such isn’t really in the same category as the other three as a fire-and-forget sort of gadget, but it does help you sort your rubbish so you’re not running outside multiple times to all of your different bins!!! Plus if you’re germ-phobic this bin will be right up your alley as you don’t have to touch the lid where you spilt last night’s lasagne!!

Key Features:

  • Motion sensor for hands-free opening and hygienic disposal
  • Multiple compartments for recycling, composting, and general waste
  • Odor control technology with activated charcoal filters to neutralize unpleasant aromas
  • Voice control compatibility for ultimate convenience, because everyone loves yelling at inanimate objects sometimes

5. The Air Purifying Powerhouse: Breathe Easy, Live Healthy

City life often comes with unwelcome guests: dust, allergens, and even pollutants that dance their way into your lungs. Banish these microscopic intruders with the Bosch Air 6000, an air-purifying juggernaut that removes harmful particles with the efficiency of a ninja master. Breathe in the sweet scent of clean air as this marvel monitors your air quality and adjusts its settings automatically, ensuring your home is a haven of freshness.

If you’re like me and love a takeaway or top cook big arse pieces of steak you can’t help filling your house with fatty, pungent smells, if you care about your air quality or the background smells in your house an air purifier might be the answer. I would just leave this on and let it do its job and you can sit back and enjoy your big piece of steak in your fresh hepa filtered room!!

Key Features:

  • HEPA filtration for capturing even the tiniest particles, from pollen to pet dander
  • Air quality sensors for real-time monitoring of your indoor environment
  • Automatic adjustments for optimal cleaning, taking the guesswork out of air purification
  • Smartphone app control for remote monitoring and adjustments, perfect for adjusting the air quality while lounging on the couch

Beyond the Gadgets: Orchestrating Your Automated Symphony

Remember, automation thrives on organisation. Utilise the built-in app features or your smart home assistant to choreograph your robo-helpers. Let them tackle the grime while you’re at work, leaving you to return to a gleaming oasis. Bonus points for investing in quality consumables like replacement filters and microfiber cloths to keep your gadgets performing at their peak.

With these amazing tools and a dash of scheduling savvy, you can transform your home from a battleground of housework into a sanctuary. and if you’re really on top of your game you can sync your home cleaning gadgets with your smart home so they can work together.

So that concluded our Top 5 Must Have Gadgets For Home Cleaning list, I know some of these arnt exactly cheap, but over time, they’d definitely be cheaper than a cleaner coming in 3 times a week and lets face if your robot hoover trips over a pair of your dirty undercrackers the chances of you ending up in a compensation case are pretty low!!!