Helping You Navigate Your Way Through The Crazy World Of Tech And Gadgets

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man confused about what to tech to choose

How to Set Up a Smart Home on a Budget

Anyone who has been here before will know I love smart home tech, but there is a snag with that, it can be crazy expensive, like £10k to set up an integrated hard wired system is about the norm! But...

Private Internet Access Review

My Review of Private Internet Access I have written a couple of articles on whether you need a VPN (check it out here if you’re in doubt) and how to use one but as there are sooo many options...

How to use a VPN

You might of heard your more techy friends boasting about their “VPN’ and how its super-charged their home internet experience, but do you what a VPN is and more importantly, do you know...

How To Use Chatgpt for Total Beginners

You need to know how to use chatgpt ! A.I tech has been around for a while now, but Chatgpt only really came into use 18 months ago, you may have heard people saying how it’s going to...

Best Smart Thermostat Uk in 2024

Smart home is cool, right? more and more people in the UK are installing it, check these facts here, but what happens if you don’t know your nest from your Hive? Smart heating control is usually...

The 7 Best WiFi Hacks For Your Home

If you’re like me and are increasingly frustrated by either dog-slow Wifi or patchy coverage that equates to the former then you need to read my 7 best wifi hacks list which will hopefully stop...

The Best AI Gadgets You Need in 2024

Every tech publication right now is talking about the best AI gadgets they recommend, every piece of online software boasts they have the best AI gadgets to help you either make money, create content...

The Best Cool Gadgets of 2024

We all love gadgets right? you must do or you wouldn’t be reading this, but do you have a ranking system among your mates on who has cool gadgets? I’m not talking about you got the iphone...

The 7 Best Travel Gadgets You Need

So Christmas has been and gone, the telly is swamped with adverts for new sofas and you guessed it, holidays!! But what does a gadget-obsessed traveller need? check out the 7 best travel gadgets you...